Human Resources
Civil Service Handbook
For Employees and Supervisors
Human Resources Department, 91Éç
Last Publication: Fall 1997
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We are glad you have chosen 91Éç as your employer, and we hope that this Handbook will assist you during the course of your employment. 91Éç is governed by the 91Éç Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor.
This Handbook has been prepared to familiarize Civil Service employees and supervisors with many of the current benefits, requirements, and policies that pertain to their employment. Included are official University policies, Board of Trustees Regulations, and the rules of the State Universities Civil Service System of Illinois. When applicable, the Handbook also references important information regarding federal and state laws and provisions of the State Universities Retirement System.
If you are in a position represented by a collective bargaining agreement, the policies and procedures described in those agreements apply when they differ from those described in the Handbook.
Information summarized here is subject to change, as University, Board, and state and federal regulations are revised, added, and deleted. This Handbook is not intended and shall not be construed to form a contract between 91Éç and its employees, and this Handbook does not create any contractual rights between 91Éç and any prospective or current employee. The statements of policy contained in this Handbook do not give employees any greater rights than those afforded them under the State Universities Civil Service System statutes and rules.
The information contained in this Handbook is necessarily brief. If you have questions that this Handbook does not answer, additional information is available from Human Resources.
The General Information and Procedures section is prepared by the 91Éç Human Resources Department and complied in alphabetical order with cross references. The information is subject to additions, deletions, and modifications. Employees and supervisors are encouraged to contact Human Resources to verify information.
- Handbook Directory
- Absences
- Adoption Benefits
- Appointment Types
- Apprentice Appointment
- Art Exhibits (see Entertainment)
- Athletic Events
- Audit Appeal Procedure
- Audit Procedure for Positions
- Benefits
- Benefits While on Leave
- Bereavement Leave
- Bonds
- Book Awards for Civil Service Employees
- Breaks
- Bureau of Cultural Affairs (see Entertainment)
- Campus Connection
- Civil Service Award Fund
- Civil Service Award Selection Committee
- Civil Service Bulletin Boards
- Classification
- Clerical Services Policy
- Committees
- Concerts (see Entertainment)
- Copying, Printing, and Copiers
- Credit Union
- Cultural Affairs (see Entertainment)
- Death Benefits and Survivor Benefits
- Disability Leave
- Discharge
- Disciplinary Management Program
- Dismissal
- Educational Benefits
- Educational Benefits for Retirees/Employees' Children
- Educational Leave
- Employee Assistance Program
- Employee Newsletter (see Campus Connection)
- Entertainment
- Equal Opportunity Policy
- Examination Scheduling Procedures
- Extra-Help Appointment
- Family and Medical Leave Act - FMLA
- Fine Arts (see Entertainment)
- Food Service Operations
- Funeral Leave (see Bereavement Leave)
- Health Service
- Hiring Procedures
- Holidays
- Identification Cards
- Insurance
- Intern Appointment
- Interviewing for Positions
- Job Descriptions
- Jury Duty/Court Witness Service
- Layoff Policy
- Learner Appointment
- Leaves of Absence
- Library Privileges
- Lost and Found (see University Union Facilities)
- Mail Services
- Make-Up Time
- Meal Period
- Medical Leave
- Military Leave
- Night Shift Differential (see Shift Differential Procedures)
- Notary Public Service
- Office Supplies
- Overtime
- Parental Leave
- Parking and Traffic Regulations
- Part-Time Employee Benefits
- Pay Checks
- Payroll/Personnel Procedures
- Performance Evaluation
- Personal Convenience Leave
- Personnel Files
- Physical Plant Services
- Pregnancy Leave
- Probationary Period - Six Months
- Probationary Period - Twelve Months
- Promotions
- Provisional Appointment
- Reassignment
- Recreation for Employees and Families
- Resignation
- Retirement
- Safety
- Salary
- Scholarship Awards to Dependents of Civil Service Employees
- Sexual Misconduct & Gender Non-Discrimination Policy (Title IX)
- Shift Differential Procedures
- Sick Leave
- Sports (see Athletic Events)
- Status Changes
- Status Appointment
- Tax Deferred Accounts
- Telecommunication/WESTEL Services
- Temporary Appointment
- Termination
- Time Cards
- Transfers
- Transportation Services
- Tuition Waivers
- Unemployment Compensation
- University Union Facilities
- Vacation
- Veterans Preference Points
- Work Schedules
- Workers' Compensation
- A - Policy on Acquiring Computing Devices
- B - Clean Air/No Smoking Policy
- C - Clerical Services Policy
- D - Policy on Commercial and Charitable Solicitation
- E - University Compensation Policy
- F - Compensatory Time/Overtime Policy
- G - Constitution & By-Laws of 91Éç Civil Service Employees Council
- H - Disciplinary Management Program
- J - Policy on Distribution of Printed Materials and Collection of Signatures
- K - Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy
- L - Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- M - Policy on Employment of Individuals with Disabilities
- N - Policy Statement on Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action
- O - Flex-Time Policy
- P - Flex-Year Civil Service Status Appointments
- Q - Civil Service Employee Grievance Policy
- R - Legal Procedures
- S - Policy on Limiting University Operations Because of Emergency Conditions
- V - Security of Information
- X - Tuition Reduction & Educational Assistance Plan
- Y - Union Solicitation Guidelines
- BB - Blood and Organ Donor Leave Policy
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