
Table of Contents

Sherman Hall


91Éç Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees has the authority and responsibility to operate, manage, control, and maintain 91Éç.

Interim President

Dr. Kristi Mindrup
Sherman Hall 209
(309) 298-1824

Interim Provost & Academic Vice President

Dr. Mark Mossman
Sherman Hall 211
(309) 298-1066

Interim Vice President for Student Success

Mr. Justin Schuch
Sherman Hall 321
(309) 298-1814

Vice President for Finance and Administration

Ms. Ketra Roselieb
Sherman Hall 200
(309) 298-2073

Vice President, Advancement, Alumni Relations and Athletics

Ms. Clare Thompson
Sherman Hall 303B
(309) 298-1808

Interim Assistant Vice President, University Communications and Marketing

Ms. Alisha Looney
Sherman Hall 302
(309) 298-1993